Wednesday 30 September 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON SIX [1st Oct 15]: Homework

The lesson began with a brief reference to media theory and media influence. Students were introduced to:
The main aim of today's session was to investigate the role of the INSTITUTION when shaping REPRESENTATION and discuss the nature of MEDIATION. Class discussion considered how political bias can determine the content of a media text. Students were shown a clip from FOX NEWS that offers a representation of the UK city of Birmingham that can only be described as a work of fiction. This information is being presented as truth but is quite clearly an example of MISINFORMATION. The narrative seems to conform to the anti-Muslim narrative that is constantly presented by this US News Channel. THIS NEWS ORGANISATION IS OWNED BY RUPERT MURDOCH and reflects the views of the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the USA. The INSTITUTION of FOX NEWS reflects the political view of Rupert Murdoch.
Fox News.....Is this funny, pathetic or frightening? How does this relate to media theory/influence?

The class were then presented with two UK newspaper front pages published the day after the death of Margaret Thatcher.

Students were asked to identify how these two resources reflect INSTITUTIONAL BIAS and how the REPRESENTATIONS are constructed. Particular focus was placed upon the choice of photography and key words from the headline and sub-heading. Class discussion was SUPERB.

The final section of the lesson involved the analysis of two UK newspaper front pages that were published just before the last UK General Election. The question that students were asked to consider was:

HOMEWORK: I expect students to construct a written response to the question considered in the final phase of the lesson.

This question will need to follow the following structure:
  • The introduction will need to refer to the fact that all texts are mediated and are shaped by INSTITUTIONAL BIAS. Reference needs to be made to the fact that all media texts are subjective and that print newspapers are profit motivated products that are filled with REPRESENTATIONS that reflect the political bias of the INSTITUTION. I want to see students reflecting the idea that all media texts are subjective representations. If you can refer to the theory of BAUDRILLARD in an appropriate manner I will buy you a cake! Baudrillard stated that 'WE LIVE IN THE DESERTS OF THE REAL' because reality is difficult to view through so many mediated filters. Our world is so full of mediated representation that we exist in a state of HYPERREALITY!!! You don't have to refer to his theory...but if you do, and you refer to his theory in an eloquent and appropriate manner, I WILL BUY YOU CAKE OR A SUGARY TREAT OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING!
  • The next paragraph needs to offer an analysis of THE SUN front page and must examine how the subjective representation is being shaped and presented to the reader. Reference should be made to Preferred Reading, Connotation, Denotation, Frame Composition, Significance of the selected photograph, Key words from the headline/sub-heading etc. HOW IS THE VIEW OF THE INSTITUTION SHAPING THE REPRESENTATION? 
  • The next paragraph needs to repeat the analysis for the DAILY MIRROR front page. Obviously this is equally politically bias but this newspaper is sympathetic to the views of the Labour Party. How is the representation of Cameron being shaped and presented? Again, use the appropriate media language.
  • The conclusion needs to consider if these representations are harmless or have a more sinister purpose? Can they really influence opinion? Reference should be made to media theory. Do you think that newspapers should avoid this intense political bias? If so why?

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